Thursday, March 12, 2009

Electronic Medical Records and the Reinvestment Act of 2009

For a long time, health professionals have known the value of EMR towards collecting more efficient and useful patient data. The creation of health equity and elimination of health disparities requires greater access to care and a good part of access is clinicians being able to access medical records rapidly to create patient-centered treatment and preventive care plans.

This article gives a good overview for those considering EMRs aquisition as they relate to the Stimulus package approved by Congress. Group practice managers, physicians, and other organizations interested in EMR would find the article very much worthwhile.

The Stimulus Bill and Meaningful Use of Qualified EHRs / EMRs
from Software


Anonymous said...

Keeping your patients personal information safe is a very important task, we must protect the client’s privacy and prevent anyone from ever viewing these records without the expressed permission of the client.
When choosing a doctor to take care of your medical needs you need to make sure that the doctor that you trust your most personal information to is keeping that information safe and secure. I am not too sure about the news that Walmart will be selling Medical Billing Software, makes me a little nervous knowing that anyone with a few dollars can go into walmart and get the software. What if this software gets into the wrong hands, many people’s lives can be at stake.

Amri Johnson said...

Thanks for your comment. I agree, confidentiality is everything and the level of seriousness about it is reinforce by HIPPA laws. Whoever has EHR/EMR will have to be accountable for how it is used or they will be liable. So, the software getting into the hands is not the issue as much as the data entered into it. If you don't take that seriously which I think 99.9% of people who spend the money will, the consequences will ensure that you never do it again.