Monday, October 27, 2008

Abundance and The Job Search

In a tough economic climate, it is very easy to get discouraged about the prospects of finding work. It is challenging to think you are going to find a job that will allow you to pay the bills and keep a little something extra on the side to save, invest, etc. What I want to make sure you consider is give this dip we are in, what mindset do you need to be your most powerful in your job search activities.

Over the past couple weeks, I have been bombarded by many writers and speakers talking powerfully about the distinction between abundance and scarcity.

Let me first share Webster's ( take on the two ideas and then a little from a couple of other writers:

1 : an ample quantity : profusion 2 : affluence , wealth 3 : relative degree of plentifulness

 /ˈskɛərsɪti/ 1. insufficiency or shortness of supply; dearth. 2. rarity; infrequency.

Steven M.R. Covey in his book The Speed of Trust says, "Abundance means that there is enough for everybody. The opposite--scarcity--says that there is only so much to go around, and if you get it, I won't." He goes on to state that, "Abundance is a choice!"

I agree and I agree that you can make the choice to focus on what you can contribute regardless of your current situation.

It is likely that you are thinking that I don't know your situation. You are right and on the other hand we may be more closely related than you think. I have been in situations many times as an entrepreneur where I did not know where my next meal ticket was coming from. What I learned as a result is that the more I thought in scarcity the more scarce opportunities arose. (If you think that sentence sounded like a oxymoron and contradictory, try getting results with a scarcity mindset.)

On the other hand, when I thought in terms of what was possible and had clarity about the reality that I could always contribute to others, I was clear that what I needed to fill my tummy was right in front of my eyes.

What a mindset of abundance does is allows you to not be focused on what you think your current reality is and leads you to considering the needs of others. When you can meet the needs of others and do it in a powerful and credible way, a job, contract, revenue stream is coming your way very soon.

Scarcity scares, Abundance Attracts. . .You choose!

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