Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Where do we need to go?

The AHA published an article on health disparities and its statement that was recently submitted to the House Ways and Means Committee. You can check it out an excerpt from their solicited statement at the link below.

Of course, the statement was well written and supported by thorough data and as practitioners, we can all stand up from the choir and deliver a resounding "AMEN". What I am left with in the process of a long standing need for health care transformation is a "where do we need to go?" question. This question is not new for anyone either. What has not surfaced however, are long-term strategies that can be adopted not just for public health practitioners, clinicians, and hospitals, but by every institution that is affected by disparate treatment and disparate outcome. Translation--everyone!

I am going to speak to this in more depth later; however, the premise is that our strategic hats need to be collectively worn more often than our execution hats. We have a great deal of data and we still need to collect it. In addition, we as practitioners dedicated to health equity need to be strategic on what each data point collected represents and how it can fit into a bigger framework that leaves us with a body of information that can longitudinally clarify what is working with whom and how and how can we duplicate, systematize, and hone it for long-term success. What is our success strategy as a body of health care folks who want to see our bottom-line for health care in this country improve while our top line of people rises it with it? Can it be done? You bet it can!

We will discuss more in the near future about this possibility.

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