Friday, July 10, 2009

Considering Immigration in Health Reform

Mr. Bhargava gives a compelling account discussing health reform and immigration. He points out that illegal immigrants are not driving up the cost of care. He is very much aware of the emotion underpinnings of the immigration debate and the realities of political leanings vs. the reality of situation. The writer clearly is an advocate for immigrants, but is also clear about the bottom line financial impact of this argument.

Make it a great day!

Don't Enshrine Discrimination in Health Care Reform
by Deepak Bhargava

Finally, the country seems serious about reforming health care. But with discussions about a public option, cost control and competition raging, one aspect of achieving true universal coverage is being left out: what to do about immigrants who lack coverage?

All of the plans getting serious consideration in Congress would exclude undocumented immigrants. Many proposals would even bar access to community health centers and emergency rooms -- a historic shift from America's humanitarian tradition that in an emergency no one should be turned away. Some proposals would exclude legal resident immigrants who have been in the United States for less than five years. Unless the debate takes a different turn, millions of immigrants will be left out of the system.

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