Wednesday, June 3, 2009

National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Reports and more. . .

Over the past month there have been a few reports released that I felt important to share.

The first is from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, their National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Reports.

This is the sixth year for these studies and given our current ramp up of the healthcare reform conversation, they are probably more important than ever. It will be critical for those who have a voice (that means you!) to make sure that we consistently align healthcare quality with eliminating health and healthcare disparities and leveraging cultural competency to see successful healthcare reform.

Quite simply as I have been sharing the past couple months, cultural competency and quality must be aligned and the elimination of healthcare disparities must be addressed if we are going to in earnest make a difference in the transformation of healthcare in this country. I believe it and I will repeat it over and over again as we get deeper into the health reform dialog.

The other report that was phenomenal comes out of the Canada-based Centre for Research on Inner City Health. They are doing such thoughtful and relevant work and have been doing so for some time. <more>

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